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Mirror, Mirror

Becca smiled at the mirror under her arm, wrapped in brown paper. Until yesterday, it had belonged to her grandfather, but to the delight of her, her parents, and her 6 brothers and sisters, the miserable old bastard had finally kicked the bucket. He had always been cruel and stingy, and constantly threatened to put a curse on her as if he was a witch or something… But today, Grandpa Karzok was dead, and they were plucking his old house for all it was worth.

As Becca arrived home, she gathered her family in the foyer. “Here’s to more money and fewer drunken rants!” she toasted, and the rest of her family laughed. The young woman unwrapped the mirror and hung it on the wall. Adjusting it to hang straight, Becca couldn’t help but get caught up in staring at herself.

Normally, she thought of herself as beautiful, but Becca just couldn’t help but focus on her flaws tonight. “Maybe this is Grandpa Karzok’s curse,” she chuckled to herself. Still, it bothered her to be so hyperfocused on little blemishes like the dark circles under her eyes, the slight frizziness of her hair, the freckles around the nipple on her right tit…

A chill went up Becca’s spine, as gasps filled the foyer. Why could she see her boobs? Was she imagining it? A quick pinch of her bare nipple confirmed this was real. “What the hell, sis?”, her brother Nick groaned. Becca spun to realize her whole family was still standing there, taking in her completely naked body with a mixture of revulsion and curiosity. Her clothes had completely disappeared.

Becca screamed, in both intense embarrassment and frustration. Grandpa Karzok’s first curse had struck.


The magic mirror is really just a sociology major's version of X-ray glasses, don't you think? Originally posted on Tumblr in 2018.

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